Foam Rollers The Feldenkrais® Way: The SmartRoller®:

Foam Rollers The Feldenkrais® Way: The SmartRoller®:


Foam rollers are now seen in almost any gym or therapy clinic. But do we know where foam rollers came from? Moshe Feldenkrais, a doctor of science, a judo master and pioneer in movement science was one of the first to use foam rollers as educational and therapeutic tools. Dr. Feldenkrais developed a method to create better learning conditions for human development, the Feldenkrais Method.

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Move To Change

Move To Change

Move To Change

Changing the way we do things is often an uncomfortable but necessary adaptation in life. When someone makes a postural adjustment they are essentially changing the way that they live in their bodies, which can be daunting if not down right unpleasant. However, we know that the way that you hold your body can have a profound effect on how you feel and how your body functions. If the way you are holding your body is not benefiting you, you may consider adjusting the way that you hold and move your body. Before you start to change, consider a few perspectives that might help you along the way.

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