Yoga for Sleeping

Yoga for Sleeping

by Juliana Gildesgame PT, DPT 

Sleep is a powerful physiological process that is crucial to healthy physical and psychological functioning. When we sleep our bodies undergo cortical coordination, our metabolisms increase, our endocrine system comes into balance. 

Too often, patients report difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or having a quality night’s rest and I have several yoga and lifestyle suggestions that may be helpful. 

Start preparing for a good nights sleep during the day! Studies show that exercising early in the day helps people to fall asleep and stay asleep. Yoga, specifically, has been shown to make it easier to fall asleep, extend total sleep time and decrease number of awakening per night. 

If yoga has not felt right for your body in the past, it might help to work one on one with your physical therapist to determine an appropriate bedtime sequence for your body.

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