APTA: The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a national professional organization representing more that 66,000 members. Its goal is to foster advancements in physical therapy practice, research, and education: 

CPPSIG: California Private Practice Interest Group is a non profit special interest group for private practice physical therapists to network and stay current on issues that affect physical therapists in business.

Feldenkrais Guild of North America: The purpose of the Feldenkrais® Educational Foundation of North America (FEFNA) is to advance awareness and quality of life through research, education, and use of the Feldenkrais Method of learning through movement. 

IFF: The International Feldenkrais Federation (IFF) is the coordinating organization of most Feldenkrais Guilds and Associations and other key Feldenkrais professional organizations worldwide. The aim of the International Feldenkrais Federation is the development of the international Feldenkrais community, through promoting effective co-operation and communication in the spirit of the Feldenkrais Method.

Pilates Method Alliance: The Pilates Method Alliance® is the international, not-for -profit, professional association dedicated to the teachings of Joseph H. and Clara Pilates. Their mission is to protect the public by establishing certification and continuing education standards for Pilates professionals. 


SANTA FE ART COLONY: Once a year, the artists of the Santa Fe Art Colony open their private live/work studios to the general public. The SFAC is located in the Downtown Los Angeles Arts District. Come join us on May 16, 12-6 to discover works of over 50 artists.

LAPD Celebrity Golf Tournament: Come join CCPT to support the men and women of the LAPD; CCPT donates a booth annually to treat the golfers and offer consultations to help support the families of fallen officers.

South Bay Police & Fire Memorial Foundation: For the South Bay support of the LAPD, CCPT donates services to assist golfers.


California Education Connection: California Education Connection brings people and knowledge together through innovative educational courses and unique networking opportunities.

Mind Body Spirit: Teacher education conference for health and wellness professionals


  1. PT in the News: Study Finds Physical Therapy Just as Effective as Surgery in Patients with a Torn Meniscus and Arthritis of the Knee

  2. Median Nerve Gliding: nice video showing how our median nerve glides in our fascial system

  3. PT in the News: HealthWatch: Physical Therapy

  4. PT in the News: HEALING

  5. Everything You Know About Muscle is Wrong: Great article to update you on connective tissue

  6. PT and Feldenkrais: How PT and Feldenkrais are combined

  7. PT in the News: BALANCE

  8. PT in the News: BACK PAIN

  9. PT in the News: PT FOR KNEE REHAB

  10. PT in the News: ACL REHAB

  11. PT in the News: PT FOR SHOULDERS



  14. DAILY BREEZE: Good article on the Feldenkrais Method: methodinmotion.pdf


  16. Article in Daily breeze about the foam

  17. Article in Golf for Women: golf foam roller.pdf

  18. Article: Helping People Discover their Arms

  19. Article: Neuroplasticity: Feldenkrais Expo

  20. Article: Back pain and the Thoracic Spine

  21. Article: Stress management: lengthy read, but good

  22. Article: Fitness supports spacial memory: yet another reason to exercise

  23. Article: What is Complex regional pain disorder? Good article on one of the many pain syndromes

  24. Article: Nordic Walking: With roots in skiing, Nordic walking is as vigorous as running, but less stressful on the legs and knees

  25. Article: Osteoporosis: Good to read on how to prevent osteoporosis

  26. Article: Mindfulness Meditation Training Changes Brain structure in Eight Weeks also; Mindfulness Therapy is no Fad, experts say.



  1.  SMARTROLLER:®: This is a patented, uniquely designed, resilient, durable'two-in-one' foam roller and is one of the most versatile foam rollers available;Here is a short video.

  2. Smartroller SITS and LINKS: Great kinesthetic tools that integrate Feldenkrais, PT and Pilates.

  3. Bodyblade: A very effective therapeutic exercise tool designed by a physical therapist

  4. Kinesiotape: Therapeutic tape designed to assist with soft tissue healing and assist with motor training

  5. Smartspine™: The Smartspine™is a unique body and back care system designed to assist with all basic therapeutic approaches to wellness. Check out their website for more on this interesting product.

  6. Living in Gravity: Workshop DVDs exploring balance in sitting, standing, and walking, and in transition between them

  7. PilatesStick: Good home program device with good audiovisual references.

  8.  GREAT PILATES DVD: Risa Sheppard's workout DVD; 30 minute beginner workout and 30 minute intermediate workout. (click on the instructional video link in the on line store)

  9. Feldenkrais products: Good site for CD’s, books, materials

  10.  Nordic Walking Poles: Watch for sales; excellent text book

  11. Posture with a Purpose: CD’s for self care

  12. Seeing Clearly a Feldenkrais Perspective: great resource to avoid eye strain




Excellent book on nutrition: RECIPE FOR LIFE

Mindful Spontaneity: Excellent reference for back pain management

The Brain That Changes Itself: Defines neuroplasticity and updated neuroscience

The Art of Slowing Down. A Sense-able approach to Running, by Edward Yu

Move Into Life: Good self help book by Anat Baniel 

Mindsight: Dr. Dan Siegel: A groundbreaking book on the healing power of "mindsight," the potent skill that is the basis for both emotional and social intelligence. Mindsight allows you to make positive changes in your brain–and in your life. 

The Thinking Body by Mabel Todd: Amazing book published in the early 40’s that stands today

Low Stress Computing: Low-Stress Computing is a somatic education program which uses greater self-awareness and improved body organization to reduce the stresses which lead to RSI. 

Change your AgeUsing your body to stay more fit

 Wherever You Go There You Are: Accessible teachings on Meditation

Walk Tall: An Exercise program for the prevention and treatment of Back Pain, Osteoporosis and the Postural changes of Aging

Aging to Saging: A profound new vision of growing older: by Zalman Schacter-Shalomi

Ageless Pilates: Excellent resource for Pilates and self awareness.


Great list of books on pain.

Excellent lessons for Moving out of Pain: choose all of them or individual lessons; these are the lessons that were tailored for our research and showed measurable results for improved sleep and pain reduction; another site to check

Pain as we know it: great TED video



CCPT believes in team approaches to health care, here are some of our recommendations:

 Solutions for Wellness: Solutions for Wellness is both a clinical practice and a web site to help  patients suffering from chronic pain, sleep disorders and a broad variety of chronic illnesses

ACUPUNCTURISTS: click for local referrals

FELDENKRAIS® CLASSES: click for local listings

DIETITIANS: click for referrals

Craniosacral/Lymphatic drainage therapist: Karen Axelrod

 Tai Chi: Raksa classes

DANCE: Dance, Fitness, Choreography:  

 DANCE classes: Kim’s classes



Reji Matthew: This BLOG is dedicated to exploring themes of hope, health, disability, and wellness. 

Sports Injury warnings: Good reference to screen potential injuries

Mindfulness Training: how does this work

Nordic Walking program: Includes information on technique and where classes are

Nordic walking technique on YouTube: Video on walking technique

Pool program: Good set of exercises

Fibromyalgia tool kit: Good resource for people diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

Pain Monitor website: The Pain Monitor is a monthly electronic publication of the American Pain Foundation. This website will keep you abreast of recent media attention given to topics that are related to pain care or living with pain.

Excellent ATM for pain management, plus other tools

Healthcare advocacy blog: Good overall resource

Sensing Vitality: Great resource of information on sensory learning

 High Heel resources:HH exercises.pdfHH notes.pdf